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2022 Annual Sales

Published 2023/02/14

Reading 3 min

Revenue by business line - excl. IAS 29 - in € millions  YTD Dec 2022 YTD Dec 2021 Var %
Equipment sales 523,8 423,3 +24%
Rental sales 21,6 16,9 +28%
Services 64,3 55,6 +16%
Total 609,7 495,8 +23%

The changes presented below are at constant exchange rates, excluding the application of IAS29 (Argentina and Turkey hyperinflation).

2022 Quarter 4 activity:

In a less buoyant macro-economic environment compared to the beginning of the year, the global aerial work platform market continued to show the same dynamism in the fourth quarter as in previous periods in the vast majority of markets. In this context, Haulotte achieved a revenue of € 180.6 million in Q4 2022, up +28% compared to the previous quarter and +24% compared to the same period of the previous year.

2022 Annual activity:

Over the year, the global aerial work platform market confirmed the clear rebound observed in 2021 and reached the highest level ever observed in 2022, driven by all geographical areas. In this context, Haulotte achieved a revenue of € 609.7 million in 2022, compared to € 495.8 million in 2021, an increase of +18% between the two periods.

In Europe, the Group recorded overall sales growth of +12% compared to last year, penalized by the sharp decline in the Russian market.

In Asia-Pacific, Haulotte achieved a solid sales performance, and an excellent fourth quarter, to finally post an increase in annual sales of +38% compared to 2021.

In North America, the progress observed for several semesters in all its activities continued, enabling Haulotte to record annual sales growth of +15%. The aerial work platform business accelerated strongly in the last quarter, achieving annual sales growth of +10%.

In Latin America, in a well-oriented market in all countries, Haulotte posted a +26% increase in cumulative sales, driven mainly by Brazil.

In 2022, equipment sales increased by +19% and rental activity by +14%, driven by the rebound of activity in Argentina. Service activities, which reached their highest level ever, grew by +12%.

2022 and 2023 outlook:

In this context of persistent pressure on the cost of components and on the supply chain, Haulotte confirms that there was no improvement in its current operating margin in the second half of 2022 versus the first semester.

Driven by a historic order book and reduced supply tensions, Haulotte expects its sales to grow by more than +20% in 2023.

Upcoming event:

2022 Annual Results: March 22, 2023